Choosing Your LinkedIn Profile Picture

LinkedIn Profile Pictire

If you’re currently searching for a new job, then you should be using LinkedIn as part of your strategy. It’s important to remember that for recruiters who find you online, your profile will be a big part of the first impressions you create, with your photo being one of the first things they’ll see. 

Don’t waste this easy opportunity to make a good impression by using a poorly focused photo of you and your family on holiday back in 1990. Instead, try to make it a professional headshot with only you in the frame. Make the most of lighting that clearly shows your face, with a background that isn’t too cluttered and distracting. You might also want to consider using the same photo across all your professional social media profiles as this will help you to build on your personal ‘brand.’

And most importantly, remember to smile! As much as you want to appear professional, you also want to present yourself as being friendly and approachable, so don’t use a straight-faced passport photo where you’re staring intensely into the camera!

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