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How to Decline a Counteroffer

Written by: Lucy Walters
Published on: 17 Feb 2022

How to Decline a CounterofferDeclining a counteroffer from your employer might feel like a hard situation to navigate, but there are things you can do to handle this both positively and professionally. 

  • Express gratitude and make the conversation as positive as you can.
  • Stay committed to your job during your notice period, and make any handovers as smooth as possible, perhaps by helping to create a training manual for new starters.
  • Be clear that you’re declining the offer, leaving no room for misinterpretation.
  • Give a reason for why you’re leaving if you can, as this will make your decision clear and will help your employer to work on their retention. Instead of saying negative things about your current employer, try to focus on what has drawn you to the new offer. For example: “X company will provide me with the opportunity to work on X which is something I would now like to focus on in my career”.
  • Stay in touch with your old colleagues and employer, as these are valuable connections to have in your professional network.

Read our recent article on handling your resignation and counteroffer for more tips.